Having dental work isn’t like other procedures where you can eat whatever you want afterward. In fact, it can be difficult to find something you can easily eat after dental treatment. Whether you’re recovering from oral surgery, a dental implant placement, a root canal, or even a filling and are having trouble finding easy-to-eat foods, you’re in luck. Your dentist in Farmington Hills has a whole list of foods you can eat after having dental work done. Let’s check out a few of our favorites. 


A mushed-up ripe avocado is one of the best things you can eat after dental treatment. Not only is it easy to eat, but avocados can provide your body with needed healthy fats and a ton of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and fiber. These are some of the reasons that it’s often called a superfood. 


Broth or soup is another excellent choice. Not only is it comfortingly warm, but it also requires little to no chewing. Beef bone broth, in particular, is also packed with protein, which is important. In fact, according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, soft foods with healthy fats and protein like beef bone broth may also even help promote healing by repairing muscles and tissues and fighting off infection. Remember, if you’re recovering from wisdom teeth removal or other oral surgery, keep your broth warm and not hot. Hot foods and drinks can irritate gum tissue and make recovery take longer. 

Scrambled Eggs

This breakfast favorite isn’t only for mornings and would be easy to eat at any time following dental treatment. Similarly to bone broth, scrambled eggs are a healthy, protein-packed option that’s easy to eat and promotes healing. Besides, who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? 

Fish & Potatoes

If you’re looking for something that feels more like a complete meal, look no further than fish and potatoes. Fish such as tuna, salmon, and tilapia are soft and easy to chew, and they contain a lot of heart-healthy fats. Pair fish with delicious mashed potatoes for a delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-eat meal. Spice up the dish by choosing sweet potatoes over russet. 

Ice Cream

We couldn’t complete this blog without turning to the age-old favorite of ice cream. This sweet treat is a go-to option for your dentist in Farmington Hills because it’s easy to eat and it’s cold. The coolness of ice cream is the perfect way to get some relief if you’re feeling sore and may even reduce swelling. Make sure to avoid flavors that contain nuts, frozen candy bars, or other hidden crunchy goodies. 

Even if you don’t necessarily feel like eating after dental treatment, it’s important that you do. If it’s easier, choose to eat several smaller meals or snacks throughout the day instead of large meals. Also, make sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily to keep your body and mouth properly hydrated. 

Your dentist in Farmington Hills is always here to help you if you have any questions about your dental treatment, or what you can comfortably eat afterward. Just ask! 

We’re always accepting new patients at all our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to our trusted and caring hygienists. This year, like most things, the celebration is a little bit different and has an appropriate theme — Faces of Courage. Sponsored by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate, National Dental Hygiene Month strives to spread thanks to all hygienists and praise their commitment to keeping patients healthy. To help celebrate, your dentist in Canton wants to share some of the things dental hygienists do and show just how important they are to our office. 

What Do Dental Hygienists Do?

Many patients believe that hygienists only clean teeth. The truth is, they do so much more. In fact, it’s not uncommon for patients to see and spend more time with their hygienists than their dentist, they do that much! While laws and rules differ from state to state and a hygienist’s specific duties can vary accordingly, there are some common things that many hygienists do on a daily basis such as: 

How Do You Become a Dental Hygienist?

To become a dental hygienist, one needs to receive training and get certified. Many hygienists attend a local community college, technical college, dental school, or university programs to complete the recommended courses and training. It usually takes around two years to become a licensed dental hygienist, and many students will receive an associate’s degree. But some universities even offer four-year degrees, along with master’s degree programs. After a degree is received, hygienists will then take a licensing exam on either the state, regional, or national level. 

This month, and every month, take time to thank your dental hygienist for all they do to help keep you healthy. And if you’re overdue for a dental cleaning, call your dentist in Canton to schedule an appointment with a dental hygienist today!

Accepting new patients from Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

cancer patient Getting a cancer diagnosis can be understandably scary, and some cancer treatments can cause some unwanted and unpleasant side effects throughout your body. Your mouth is no exception. While we understand that seeing your dentist in Livonia may not be at the top of your to-do list, especially if you’re preparing to begin cancer treatment, it’s important to know that these visits can be an important part of keeping your body healthy and strong through cancer treatment. In fact, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, dental checkups before and during cancer treatment can prevent problems that may be serious enough to stop cancer treatment, which is the last thing you want to do. 

Decreased White Blood Cells

Cancer treatment can be really effective at killing cancer cells, but they can also damage or kill good, healthy, normal cells including white blood cells. White blood cells are important to help fight off infection. Without enough of them, the immune system is weakened. Why is this a concern for your dentist in Livonia? Well, if you have a gum infection, for example, and then your immune system is weakened, the infection can cause complications to both your oral health and additional problems to your overall health.  

Calcium Reduction

If your oncologist recommends radiation therapy to your head or neck, it may also affect your dental health. These treatments tend to reduce calcium levels in the body, and since our tooth enamel consists of mainly calcium, this reduction can cause teeth to weaken, putting them at increased risk of cavities. But that’s not all. Radiation therapy may also damage salivary glands, reducing their ability to produce saliva. This results in dry mouth, which also puts your oral health at risk for additional problems, including cavities and gum disease. Your dentist in Livonia may recommend fluoride to help strengthen enamel or a special rinse to help keep the mouth properly hydrated. 


Many cancer treatments involve the use of chemotherapy, which can damage the mucosal tissues in the mouth. This may cause painful sores and a temporary condition called mucositis. Mucositis is the inflammation or ulceration of the mucus membranes anywhere along the digestive tract, from the mouth through the intestines, and can affect an estimated 40% of cancer patients. Your dentist in Livonia may be able to help reduce discomfort caused by mucositis through laser dentistry or other treatments.  

Your dentist is always an important part of your healthcare team, especially if you’re undergoing cancer treatment. Make sure to see your dentist at least every six months, and perhaps more during treatment, to help protect your oral health and, in turn, the rest of your body.

Welcoming patients at all four of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

woman hides her smile with her hat We all want to have a bright, white smile. But thanks to both internal and external factors, our teeth can transform from their once brilliant appearance to a dull, discolored look. In this week’s blog, your dentist in Farmington Hills explores some of the things, both within our control and out of our control, that can cause tooth discoloration. 

A Quick Note About Tooth Discoloration

Before we dive into some of the top causes of discoloration, we want to let you know that if you’re unhappy with the color of your teeth, you’re not alone. Smile whitening is one of the most popular dental treatments in the United States, and according to one study, over 56% of people wished their teeth were whiter. That’s probably why Americans spend over a billion dollars on tooth whitening treatments every year! 

Common Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Perhaps the most common reason behind tooth discoloration is smoking or using smokeless tobacco. The tar, nicotine, and tobacco itself are all staining ingredients, and since using tobacco is addictive, these ingredients are being introduced into the mouth on a regular basis and often over the period of many years. The result is yellowed teeth or even brown teeth. Your dentist in Farmington Hills will usually need to use a combination of smile whitening treatments and cosmetic dentistry treatments to whiten teeth discolored by tobacco. 

One of the causes of tooth discoloration that’s outside of our control (mostly) is tooth trauma. Trauma can occur from an automobile accident, a fall, or even a sporting accident. These types of accidents can cause a tooth or even several teeth to appear dark and gray. This is due to damage inside of the tooth. Tooth trauma should be checked by your dentist as soon as possible and monitored over time. While we can’t avoid all accidents, we can take steps to prevent tooth trauma when playing sports by wearing a fitted mouthguard. 

What we eat and drink plays a large role in our oral health and in the color of our teeth. For example, things like coffee, tea, wine, berries, and tomato sauce can all cause tooth discoloration. But that’s not all. A diet that’s highly acidic will attack and wear down tooth enamel, causing teeth to appear more transparent, dull, gray, or yellow. A diet high in sugar can result in tooth decay and cause teeth to have brown spots or dark splotches.  

Your dentist in Farmington Hills will tell you just how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. After all, these oral hygiene habits help protect your teeth from cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. But did you know that brushing and flossing can also help keep your teeth white? It’s true. Those who don’t follow a good oral hygiene routine at home are more prone to yellowish or gray teeth and may even experience orange or green spots throughout their grins.

When it comes to keeping your teeth bright and white, make sure to brush and floss regularly, avoid using tobacco, and enjoy staining foods and drinks in moderation. Don’t forget, it’s also crucial that you see your dentist every six months for regular checkups and professional cleanings. These appointments go a long way in keeping your smile both healthy and white. 

Accepting new patients at all of our dental offices in Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

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