Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is an incredibly common problem associated with the digestion process. So why in the world is your dentist in Livonia writing about something that’s typically seen as a stomach problem? The truth is, acid reflux can wear down tooth enamel and increase the risk for decay.

What Is GERD? 

Acid reflux is that uncomfortable burning sensation that some people experience after eating. Usually, it’s described as chest pain or heartburn. But what’s really happening is stomach acid is moving up into the esophagus, creating that burning sensation. When this happens periodically, it’s known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER). If it occurs more than twice a week over the course of several weeks it may be a sign of GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. 

How Does Acid Reflux Affect Teeth 

We’ve already noted that acid reflux can wear down tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay, but there are other ways acid reflux can affect your teeth. As your dentist in Livonia knows, acid is one of the worst things for teeth and can lead to a whole host of dental problems including bad breath and tooth sensitivity. In fact, the sensitivity can be so bad that it can keep people from brushing their teeth. However, it’s crucial that those with acid reflux brush twice a day. Using a soft toothbrush and toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help reduce discomfort.  

Tips to Protect Your Teeth

If you have GERD or even occasional acid reflux, there are things you can do to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of the acid. The best place to start is to talk to a gastroenterologist to help get your symptoms under control. They may recommend shifts in your diet or habits such as: 

Then, your dentist in Livonia can recommend additional ways to keep your teeth healthy and protected. Some of these recommendations may include: 

Now, even though it’s important for everyone to see the dentist at least once every six months, it’s even more important for those who suffer from acid reflux. Oftentimes, patients are unaware of the damage happening to their teeth until it’s too late. Your dentist will be able to catch any problems early and recommend the best treatment option for you. 

If it’s been longer than six months since you’ve had a dental checkup or cleaning, we welcome you to call us to schedule an appointment today. 

We’re always happy to accept new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia

We all know that 2020 had its fair share of hardships and “new normals.” Between shutdowns and school closures, we all had to pivot away from life as we knew it. Your dentist in Farmington Hills was no different. Patients stopped coming to the dentist, perhaps because we may have been closed or out of fear. But now that we’re all open and seeing patients, we’re learning some things that this past year has taught us that are important for our patients to know as well. 

Small Problems Become Big Problems

When a population starts to put off dental care, a lot of the typical prevention measures are lost. This often means that problems that were once small and easy to treat were left undiagnosed, untreated, and led to bigger problems. Something that may have started as a tiny cavity can turn into a large area of decay and cause pain. Someone who may have had early-stage gum disease now has full-blown advanced periodontal disease and are at risk for whole-health complications such as heart disease. This is why those preventive dental visits every six months are so important to keep your mouth, and your body, healthy.  

High-Risk Patients Need Dental Care

Even though many high-risk patients understandably shied away from seeing their dentist in Farmington Hills in 2020, it’s this population that needs regular dental care the most. In fact, sometimes patients with certain health conditions are encouraged to see the dentist every three months instead of the regularly recommended six. But during the pandemic, patients weren’t getting a checkup for nine months or even a whole year. This resulted in more serious dental problems and complications that may have required a tooth extraction, root canal, or other treatments. What’s more is high-risk patients are more likely to suffer from more than one problem, which can compound the issues.

Dentists in Farmington Hills Are Safe

The early months of 2020 saw dental offices close, sometimes for a couple of months. In fact, the World Health Organization reports that dental offices were some of the most negatively affected health services during COVID-19. However, dentists are already required by law to have very strict sanitation practices and have added additional safety precautions such as gowns, better masks, and disinfection protocols above and beyond the already comprehensive standards. Additionally, once dental offices reopened, the FDI World Dental Federation reported that dental offices around the globe had significantly lower infection rates of COVID-19 than other healthcare workers. 

So what does all of this mean? Essentially, it means that dental care is essential. It’s essential to keeping our communities healthy, preventing small problems from turning into big problems, and that it’s even more important for high-risk patients to be seen by their dentist in Farmington Hills twice a year. What’s more, dentists can see patients safely.

Don’t put your dental health on the backburner. Call us to schedule an appointment today. 

Welcoming new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia, and surrounding communities. 

Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, affects more than 50,000 newly diagnosed people every year. It’s scary, it’s serious, and it can be deadly. However, it’s not all bad news. In fact, oral cancer can be treated successfully if it’s caught early and treatment begins quickly. To do this, your dentist in Ann Arbor, as well as yourself, need to check for signs of oral cancer often. But what exactly should you look for? 


Oral Cancer Signs & Symptoms

Some of the early signs of oral cancer can easily be confused with other non-serious oral health conditions. This is one thing that can make oral cancer tricky to catch. However, if any of the signs and symptoms below don’t go away within 2-3 weeks, schedule an appointment with your Ann Arbor dentist to get checked out. 

Check Your Mouth Initiative

Created by The Oral Cancer Foundation, the Check Your Mouth public health initiative was designed to help people self-identify potential abnormalities in the mouth. Now, while this tool is incredibly helpful for those at-home checks, they don’t replace your dentist. The best way to truly diagnose oral cancer is through your dentist in Ann Arbor. This is one reason why bi-annual dental visits are so important as they allow your dental team to see any changes that may have occurred since your last appointment and treat them appropriately. 

Reduce The Risk

Oral cancer can happen to anyone at any time. But there are a few people who are at increased risk of developing oral cancer, including:

If you’re overdue for a dental visit or have an area of concern, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at our Ann Arbor dental office today. We’re always happy to help! 

Welcoming new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.   

Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that affects nearly 75% of Americans at some point in their lives. Usually, when gum disease is caught in this stage it can be treated and any damage can be reversed. But if it’s left alone it can quickly progress into more severe stages of gum disease and actually affect your overall health. In fact, research shows that more serious forms of gum disease can lead to tooth loss, heart disease, and stroke. This is one reason why it’s so important to see your dentist in Livonia at least every six months. 

Gum Disease, Gingivitis, and Periodontitis

Let’s start by quickly taking a look at the confusing world of gum disease. Gum disease is a term used to describe an infection in the gums. However, not all forms of gum disease are the same. There are three stages of gum disease: 

What Causes Gingivitis?

Everything has to begin somewhere, and gum disease begins with gingivitis. This early stage of gum disease occurs with too much plaque builds up on teeth and up under the gums. Plaque, which occurs naturally in the mouth, is a sticky film that adheres to the teeth. Usually, it can be removed by brushing and flossing. However, when it’s not removed, the bacteria found in plaque can wiggle into the gum tissue and cause an infection. There are several things that increase someone’s risk of gingivitis including: 

If you notice any signs of gingivitis, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Livonia as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to successfully treating gingivitis before it can progress into more severe forms of gum disease. 

Signs of Gingivitis

What makes gum disease so hard to detect, especially in the early form of gingivitis, is that sometimes there are no symptoms. This is why it’s so important to see your dentist in Livonia at least every six months for checkups. Your dental team can catch what you may not see and get you treatment early. However, when there are signs of gingivitis, you may notice: 

Treating Gingivitis 

As we’ve mentioned, treating gingivitis early is key to successfully reversing the disease and any damage it may have caused. This may include a deep cleaning from your dental hygienist and/or the use of prescription medications. It’s important to know that gingivitis can’t be treated at home and requires a dental professional. 

We welcome you to call us to schedule an appointment at one of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, or Livonia if you’re overdue for a dental checkup or suspect you may have gum disease. We’re here to help. 

Our teeth are designed to chew and crunch on some pretty tough things. But even though tooth enamel is one of the strongest materials in the human body, teeth aren’t invincible and can break. In fact, broken teeth are one of the most common dental emergencies. Breaking a tooth can certainly be scary, but your dentist in Farmington Hills can help you fix a broken tooth. 

Broken Tooth Treatment

A broken tooth can happen to anyone and can occur by biting down on something too hard, tooth grinding, or an accident. This type of dental injury should be treated by your dentist in Farmington Hills quickly to prevent future problems or pain. Treatment will depend on how severe the break is and your individual situation. Here are a few different ways a dentist can fix a broken tooth. 

Signs of a Broken Tooth

Sometimes you’ll know you have a broken tooth immediately because you’ll hear it or feel it break. Other times a break can occur without your knowledge but can present some symptoms. Some of the most common signs of a broken tooth are: 

If you notice any signs of a broken tooth, call your dentist in Farmington Hills to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 

Please note that if your pain is severe or is accompanied by bleeding that won’t stop, schedule an emergency dental appointment. 

A broken tooth can be scary for anyone. Don’t hesitate to call your dentist for help. Quick treatment can prevent future problems and get you back to smiling in no time. 

We’re always accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Your dentist in Canton is a key part of your healthcare team, and while we’re dedicated to protecting teeth, we know that there’s a strong connection between oral health and overall health. In fact, when we talk about good oral health, we need to look beyond the bathroom sink and look towards the kitchen. After all, what we eat affects our teeth. 

National Nutrition Month

Every March is recognized as National Nutrition Month. Sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, its purpose is to raise awareness of how healthy eating and proper nutrition can impact overall health. While eating a well-balanced diet may seem simple, the truth is many Americans don’t eat enough of what they should. Why could that be? 

As it turns out, nutrition is complicated. It’s not as easy as eating your vegetables and avoiding high-fat foods, though that’s part of it. Nutrition can be so confusing that even the Food Guide Pyramid created by the USDA changed twice since it was first developed in 1992. What scientists and healthcare professionals have found out is that different people have different dietary needs. This is one reason why MyPlate was developed and why National Nutrition Month exists. 

But what does all of this have to do with your dentist in Canton?  

What We Eat Affects Our Teeth

Even though the MyPlate recommendations are focused on fueling our bodies with the nutrients we need to stay healthy and protect us from whole-body health problems, similar recommendations can also help protect your teeth. You may even be able to find foods that pack a double punch in protecting your teeth and your body at the same time. Some foods that your dentist recommends include: 

The Danger of Sugar & Carbs

Two of the types of foods that increase the chance for decay are sugary sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods. Sugars feed mouth bacteria which increases the presence of acid. This acid wears away tooth enamel, bacteria settle in, and cavities develop. Carbs are similar even though they aren’t sweet. When carbs are digested, they break down into simple sugars. These sugars also feed bacteria, increase acids as a result, and can damage enamel. 

Fueling your body with the foods it needs to function properly can protect you against developing some health concerns such as heart disease. Eating a well-balanced diet can also protect your teeth against decay. So when you’re shopping for snacks for planning family meals, stick to nutritious, body-friendly, and smile-friendly options. 

We are always welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

It’s no secret that your dentist in Livonia isn’t a big fan of sugar. After all, this sweet ingredient can feed mouth bacteria and increase the risk of decay. But what does it mean when your teeth hurt while enjoying the occasional sweet treat? This type of tooth discomfort is just one example of tooth pain that patients can experience. Knowing what different toothache sensations could mean can help you get the right treatment… at the right time. 

A Word of Caution

Keep in mind, the information in this blog is only a guide and is not an official diagnostic tool. You should always schedule an appointment with your dentist in Livonia when you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort so you can be sure to get the best dental care for your specific needs.

If You’re Feeling… Sensitivity to Sugar

The tooth sensitivity to sugar we mentioned earlier is probably a good indicator of tooth decay. Your dentist can help diagnose this with a thorough exam and some x-rays. Depending on the size and severity of the decay, it may be treated with a filling, inlay or onlay, or perhaps a root canal and dental crown. 

If You’re Feeling… Tooth Pain that Radiates

Tooth pain that seems to move around or radiate to other parts of the mouth could be a sign of a few different things including an abscess, cracked tooth, or TMJ disorder. Treatment will depend on the findings of a dental exam and x-rays and may include TMJ treatment, a dental restoration, a root canal, or an extraction. 

If You’re Feeling… Zings of Pain

One of the most common types of tooth pain patients complain about is zinging pain. This quick burst of shooting pain is a potential sign of several dental problems. Painful zings can be a result of TMJ disorder, a cracked tooth, an infection, or something stuck in the gums. 

If You’re Feeling… Throbbing Pain

Throbbing pain is often described as a thumping or similar to a heartbeat, and like every other toothache, it could mean any number of things. Throbbing tooth pain can be a symptom of a cracked tooth, dying nerve, abscess or other infection, an oral lesion, or an object stuck in the gums.  

As you can see, there are multiple explanations for each type of tooth pain. This is why it’s so important to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

If you’re experiencing a toothache, call your dentist in Livonia to schedule an appointment. We’ll help uncover the underlying cause of your pain and work with you to get you back to smiling comfortably in no time. 

We’re always accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

X-Rays are detailed photographs that give an interesting look at our bones and help doctors find breaks. But did you know that x-rays are used for much more than identifying broken bones? In fact, your dentist in Farmington Hills uses x-rays to see parts of your mouth and teeth that can’t be seen with the naked eye and are an important part of dentistry. 

What’s Your Dentist Looking For? 

At your dental appointments, your dentist may take some x-rays of your teeth and jawbones. These x-rays can help your dentist keep a close eye on how the health of your teeth changes over time, and provide valuable insight into potential problems when they can still be treated easily. 

Younger patients benefit from dental x-rays because these images show both the baby teeth and the permanent teeth that are waiting to erupt. The specialized view of x-rays shows changes in the mouth as kids grow and can show early signs of potential problems so you can take a preventive approach. 

The easiest way to treat dental decay and cavities are when they’re in the earliest stages and before you may even notice any problem. Your dentist in Farmington Hills is trained to examine x-rays of your teeth to find hidden cavities or early signs of decay that can’t be seen with a regular visual exam. 

As we age, it’s common for our bones to weaken. This can also happen to the jawbones and cause the face to appear saggy, cause discomfort when chewing, or headaches and jaw pain. Bone loss can be caused by any number of things but is most commonly a result of tooth loss, gum disease, or osteoporosis. 

Dental x-rays also allow your dentist to see any areas of infection in or around the tips of tooth roots. If this is the case, you will usually have signs of toothache. Infections inside the teeth are often treated with a root canal, perhaps a dental crown, and in severe cases may require a tooth extraction.  

Are Dental X-Rays Safe? 

Advancements in dental technology, including x-ray technology, make dental x-rays incredibly safe for all patients, including children. In fact, digital dental x-rays emit one of the lowest forms of radiation. According to the Kois Center for Dental Education, four bitewing x-rays emit only 0.005 mSv (millisieverts), which is less than what we’re exposed to every day naturally. Additionally, since dental x-rays are usually only done once a year, although sometimes more, they’re nothing to worry about. 

If your dentist in Farmington Hills recommends dental x-rays, know that it’s to help keep your mouth and teeth healthy. X-rays can prevent problems from growing into bigger, more costly concerns down the road and can help protect your smile for life.   

We’re always welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

heart health month February is the month of hearts. Candy hearts, chocolate hearts, flower hearts, and yes, even our actual hearts. In fact, February is American Heart Health Month, a time when health professionals come together to raise awareness of heart disease and talk about some habits to change to reduce the risk. Even though it may seem as if your dentist in Canton has nothing to do with heart health, research has shown a surprising connection between the two. 

Gum Disease

An often overlooked part of overall oral health is the gums. But these soft tissues play a crucial role in overall oral health, and it’s important to keep them healthy. All too often, patients develop an infection in the gums called gum disease. It’s estimated that over 50% of Americans 30 and older have some form of this disease. Usually caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease is a serious infection that requires early diagnosis and treatment in order to be reversible. 

Gum disease develops when plaque isn’t removed from teeth. This plaque will start to harden into tartar, and once this happens, you won’t be able to remove the tartar by simply brushing your teeth at home. In fact, your dentist in Canton or your dental hygienist is the only one who can remove tartar. Besides that, tartar is loaded with bacteria. What happens when you leave bacteria alone? They multiply and begin to cause an infection. In this case, they cause gum disease. 

There are four stages of gum disease: 

Gingivitis – can be reversed with early intervention

Slight Periodontal Disease – irreversible and can cause bone loss

Moderate Periodontal Disease – irreversible and lead to tooth loss

Advanced Periodontal Disease – irreversible and lead to problems throughout the body

How Does Gum Disease Affect The Heart?

When gum disease is allowed to progress into the third or fourth stages, the bacteria from gum disease can enter the bloodstream. When this happens, your body produces more C-reactive protein (CRP) than normal. Elevated levels of CRP can cause some serious cardiovascular issues including: 

Gum Disease Symptoms

It’s important to catch gum disease early when treatment is often more successful and before it can affect the heart, so it’s important to know the symptoms. Some common signs of gum disease include: 

If you notice any of the symptoms of gum disease, schedule an appointment with your Canton dentist as soon as you can. 

Prevent Gum Disease

This month, and every month, make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect your gums and, in turn, protect your heart. Brush and floss every day, see your dentist in Canton at least twice a year, eat a healthy diet, and don’t use tobacco products. 

We’re always accepting patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Fun fact: tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies which helps make our teeth super-strong and resistant to damage. But just because our teeth are incredibly durable doesn’t mean that they’re immune to injury. Additionally, unlike other parts of the human body, teeth can’t heal or fix themselves, meaning that once the damage is done, you’ll need to see your dentist in Farmington Hills for help. While teeth can be damaged by regular wear and tear and from poor dental hygiene, one of the most common things that harm teeth is when we use them as tools.   

Teeth Are Made for Chewing

Our teeth are specially designed to help us chew our food to help the rest of the digestion process. Teeth also help us speak clearly and maintain the integrity of our jawbones. They aren’t meant to help us in other areas of our lives, but that doesn’t mean we don’t try. Here are some of the common ways we use our teeth unlike nature intended.  

While your dentist in Farmington Hills is a big fan of the nutritional value of nuts, there’s a common concern associated with shelled nuts as well as some seeds. Many nuts such as pistachios come in the shell and to get to the edible center we end up cracking the nuts between our teeth. This can result in chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. 

Similar to using our teeth to crack open nuts, teeth should also not be used to open bottles. Trying to open bottles made of plastic, glass, or anything in between is risky as doing so could damage tooth enamel and increase the likelihood of chips and cracks. If this damage is extensive, your dentist will need to treat the area with some type of restorative dentistry. But even minor cracks can cause problems too. Cracks in the teeth are the perfect place for bacteria to settle in and put you at greater risk for decay.  

While our teeth are meant for chewing, our hands are meant to help us carry or hold things. However, sometimes we have more things to hold than our hands can handle. This often makes us resort to using our mouth and teeth as an additional hand. The problem is our teeth are designed to grip and hold onto things this way. Doing so can damage teeth or even hurt your jaw. Additionally, there is always the choking hazard to consider. If you fall while holding something in your mouth, you can easily choke.  

Yes, our teeth are for chewing, but they’re reserved for chewing foods. Nibbling on anything else can be dangerous to your pearly whites. Even biting your nails or chewing on your pen during a meeting can increase your chance of cracking or chipping teeth. 

So, even though our teeth are extra-tough, they’re not invisible. In order to keep your teeth strong and healthy for a lifetime, avoid using them as tools. Of course, you should also brush and floss your teeth every day and see your dentist in Farmington Hills at least twice a year for preventive dental care.  

Welcoming new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

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