Finding the best dentist in Farmington Hills depends on what you’re looking for in a provider. The truth is, your dentist is a key part of your healthcare team and you need to feel comfortable, confident, and trust in their care. After all, you will be seeing them at least twice a year for preventive checkups and cleanings, so it’s important to find someone you like. Here are five tips to help you find the best dentist for your individual needs. 

While you head online and search for “dentist near me,” one of the easiest ways to quickly narrow your search is to talk to those around you. Ask friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers about their dentists to easily generate a short list of choices. 

After you get a few recommendations, head online to read reviews of dentists in Farmington Hills . Online reviews are a great way to get an understanding of the general feelings about the level of dental care, personality of the team, and pros and cons. 

Patients who are particularly interested in advanced dental care such as cosmetic dentistry or dental implants should check out dentists’ previous work. Many dentists will feature before and after photos on their websites so you can get an idea of their level of care. 

Some dental offices offer most services under one roof while others have a particular focus in specific areas. Depending on your individual needs, you will want to look into the types of services offered at different offices. Also consider their technology and how it can help make dental care easier. 

The best way to get a feel for a dentist and their team is to visit them in person. An initial visit or consultation will give you a sense of the office environment and personality. While  patients may prioritize different things, it’s always important that you feel the office is clean and that you’re being listened to and respected.

While it may seem like a daunting task, taking some time to get to know your options when it comes to choosing the best dentist in Farmington Hills can benefit you in the long run. Start by making a list of the things that matter to you the most when it comes to selecting a dentist, then get to work researching dentists in your area. Keep in mind, the more comfortable you are with your dentist, the more likely you are to keep up with regular appointments. Seeing your dentist at least twice a year is crucial to maintaining good oral health and can keep dental problems away.  

Accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a public health event brought to us by the American Dental Association (ADA). The purpose of this month-long celebration is to bring parents, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare providers like your dentist in Ann Arbor together to raise awareness of the importance of proper oral hygiene and dental care in children. The theme for 2023 is Brush, Floss, Smile!, and there are tons of ways you can help make dental care more fun for the children in your life. 

“Brush, Floss, Smile!”

This year’s slogan is Brush, Floss, Smile! helps both kids and caregivers learn just how important it is for kids to brush their teeth regularly as well as floss in between each and every tooth. To help, ADA has put together fun, interactive games and activities to make learning about dental care fun for kids. Head on over the ADA website and download all sorts of free educational tools including coloring sheets, crossword puzzles, and a calendar to keep track of brushing habits. 

How Should Kids Brush & Floss?

Brushing and flossing tiny teeth are important, but your dentist in Ann Arbor will also encourage you to make sure your little ones are doing them correctly. Developing proper technique and a solid routine will help children throughout their lives.. 

Proper Brushing

Kids and adults should brush their teeth twice a day, once when you wake up in the morning and once before bed at night. Use the following techniques: 

A thorough brushing should take about two minutes. Don’t shy away from humming songs or finding two-minute brushing videos to turn a habit into a fun activity. 

Proper Flossing

It’s just as important for kids to floss once a day as it is for adults, and little ones should start flossing whenever they have two teeth that touch each other. But like brushing, flossing requires a specific technique, and it can be hard for kids. The best way to floss is gently wiggle the floss in between each tooth and curve it up under the gums. You can try traditional floss but you may have more success with a floss pick.

While brushing and flossing are crucial for all smiles, maintaining visits to your dentist in Ann Arbor is also necessary. Schedule an appointment today! 

We have dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

Sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection, can have similar symptoms to a toothache, and you may be wondering which may be affecting you. The good news is that your dentist in Canton knows the difference between the tell-tale signs of a toothache versus those of a sinus infection. Let’s take a look at the similarities and differences. 

Symptoms of Both a Sinus Infection & a Toothache

Sinus infections can cause tooth pain, although a tooth may not be the underlying problem. Knowing the difference between a sinus infection and a toothache can help you get the proper help you need to relieve discomfort. First, the common signs that are apparent in both a sinus infection and a toothache include: 

It may be difficult to understand where these symptoms are originating from, so now let’s look at the difference between a toothache that’s caused by a sinus problem and one caused by a dental problem.

The Difference Between a Toothache & Sinus Pain

Any type of pain is uncomfortable, but your dentist in Canton knows that tooth pain has a unique feeling and can cause alarm. It’s incredibly common for patients to not know the difference between actual tooth pain and tooth pain that’s caused by a sinus infection. 

Sinus Infection Symptoms

Toothache Symptoms

While toothaches can have some of the symptoms of a sinus infection, there are some key differences: 

The Sinus Cavity

Why can a sinus infection cause tooth pain in the first place? Well, it all comes back to anatomy. The sinus cavity is located around the forehead behind the eyes as well as on the sides of the nose, and tooth roots of some teeth are really close to the area. This is why when the sinus cavity becomes inflamed as a result of infection it can be felt in the teeth. 

Can a Sinus Infection Cause Pain in Other Teeth Other Than the Molars?

It’s unlikely that a sinus infection will cause pain in other teeth other than the top back molars. Since the roots of the top back teeth are close to the sinus cavity, pain during a sinus infection is most likely to occur in this area. A toothache in the front teeth or lower teeth may be a clear sign of a dental problem and should be checked by your dentist in Canton. If you’re experiencing jaw pain, it’s also wise to see your dentist. This discomfort can be attributed to many things, including a sinus infection, tooth troubles, or a misaligned bite. 

Long story short, any type of tooth pain should be looked at by your dentist. If they determine the cause isn’t related to something happening in your mouth, they may refer you to another type of doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. 

We have dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. Call the dentist closest to you to schedule an appointment today!

Just because you may have replaced your natural teeth with a denture doesn’t mean you should stop seeing your dentist in Canton. In fact, it may be even more important for denture-wearers to keep their regularly scheduled dental appointments in order to protect overall oral health. After all, dental health also includes your gums, tongue, and entire mouth, not just teeth. 

Every Six Months Is Key

Everyone can benefit from seeing their dentist in Canton at least every six months. These regular checkups and cleanings help prevent problems and can even catch small issues before they become big. They can also help denture-wearers in the following ways. 

Oral Health

Despite the fact that dentures have replaced all of the natural teeth, there are other areas of oral health that need to be protected. Dental care goes beyond caring for the teeth as the gums, tongue, and jaw bones also need regular care. Denture-wearers, in particular, should see their dentist at least twice a year to monitor overall oral health. In fact, dentures may increase the likelihood of developing gum disease, as well as affect jaw bone density. Plus, the size and shape of the mouth change over time, which means the fit of a denture also changes. Dentures often need regular adjustments to remain comfortable. 

Overall Health

Believe it or not, regular dental care can not only protect your oral health but also your overall health. Gum disease, for example, is more common in denture-wearers and should be caught as early as possible. Advanced gum disease can’t be cured and can even lead to whole-body problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, your dentist in Canton is always on the lookout for oral cancer and looks for signs of this serious disease at every appointment. Oral cancer can be treated successfully with early intervention, which makes regular dental appointments even more important. 

Denture Health 

Dentures are not a permanent solution to missing teeth. But they can last over 7 years with proper at-home care and regular dental appointments. Dentures can sustain regular wear and tear, and sometimes the patient doesn’t know that micro-damage has occurred. Having your denture checked at regular dental appointments can catch and fix any minor problems. 

Essentially, everyone should see their dentist every six months, no matter how many teeth they have. These preventive appointments help protect your health and can prolong the life of your denture. 

We’re always welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

You’ve heard your dentist in Ann Arbor say it time and time again – you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. But is it really that important to brush your teeth two times every day? What could really happen if you only brush your teeth once a day? Let’s find out. 

Why Brushing Twice a Day is Important

Our teeth and mouths are exposed to a ton of things throughout the day, such as sugar and carbohydrates, which contain bacteria. While your saliva can help wash away some of the bacteria, most of it will form a thin film over your teeth called plaque. We need to remove that film to keep bacteria from building up and accumulating in your mouth. Too much bacteria can cause various dental problems, such as decay, bad breath, and gum disease. Brushing and flossing daily, as well as seeing your dentist in Ann Arbor regularly, helps combat bacteria and plaque buildup and protect teeth. 

Brush Morning & Night

We always recommend brushing your teeth both in the morning and before bed at night. Many people don’t miss the morning brushing because they want to get rid of morning breath before they interact with other people. This is important because brushing your teeth in the morning not only helps freshen your breath, it removes any bacteria that were trapped in your mouth all night long. 

However, it’s also important to brush your teeth at night, even if you’re tired and just want to go to bed. If you don’t brush your teeth before going to sleep, all of the bacteria that you consumed throughout the day is left stuck on your teeth for hours in an ideal environment for it to flourish. Failing to brush your teeth before bed basically lets your teeth soak in bacteria. 

Risks With Only Brushing Once a Day

The longer bacteria is left on teeth, the more trouble it can cause. Some common issues associated with habitually only brushing your teeth once a day are an increased risk of: 

Another note about bad breath. Even though brushing your teeth in the morning may mask bad breath, it’s usually only temporary. Chronic bad breath can be a result of poor oral hygiene, such as only brushing once a day, and may require treatment from your dentist in Ann Arbor

We understand that it’s not always possible to brush your teeth twice a day, and that’s ok. Missing an occasional brushing is usually no big deal, just try to not make it a habit, and don’t go too long without cleaning your pearly whites. 

One of the best forms of preventive dentistry is how you care for your teeth at home. Do everything you can to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, and floss once a day to help protect your oral health. 

We’re always accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia

It’s officially summer, which often means relaxing poolside with your family and friends, backyard barbeques, and vacations. But summertime can also cause disruptions in your family’s everyday life, schedules, and routines, which may mean that certain habits and necessities take a backseat. Don’t let your oral health be one of those things; turn to your dentist in Farmington Hills for some summer dental tips. 

Choose Snacks Wisely

We may find ourselves snacking more frequently throughout the day over the summer months, especially if we’re popping from various picnics and barbeques. While there’s no reason you can’t enjoy some of your favorite summer treats, your dentist in Farmington Hills encourages you to choose sweet snacks, including drinks, in moderation. Limit your family’s intake of sugar-packed sodas, sports drinks, ice cream, lemonade, and candy. Water is always best when it comes to both staying hydrated and protecting your teeth. 

Follow a Routine

Even though it may be tempting to fall off your regular oral hygiene routine during the summer or while on vacation, it’s incredibly important to stick to your habits all year round to keep cavities and other oral health problems away. Always brush your teeth twice a day for minutes each time, and don’t forget to floss once a day to remove plaque and bacteria from areas of your teeth where your toothbrush doesn’t reach. 

Wear Sunscreen

Sun protection is key even when it’s not sunny outside. Your skin can easily be sunburned when you’re outside for an extended period of time, so make sure you lather up with sunscreen. Besides your skin, make sure you apply lip balm with an SPF-15 or higher as well. Your lips can also get sunburn which could cause cancer over time. 

Swim with Caution

Whenever you’re around a body of water you should be careful. But your dentist in Farmington Hills also wants you to be careful of a lesser-known problem that can occur from too much pool time — swimmer’s calculus. Swimmer’s calculus can occur when the pH level of a pool is too low it becomes acidic. If the mouth is exposed to too much acidic water it can erode tooth enamel and cause damage. Swimmer’s calculus is one form of damage and is usually identified by brown spotting on the teeth that will need to be removed by your dentist. 

See Your Dentist

Summer can be a great time to see your dentist in Farmington Hills for a checkup, especially if you have kids in school. We recommend that you call to schedule your family’s dental appointments soon, as availability tends to become limited during the next few months. 

We hope that all of our patients and neighbors have a safe and happy summer full of family fun. Of course, if the unthinkable happens and you experience a dental emergency during the summer or on vacation, call us as soon as possible for advice or to schedule an appointment.

We’re always accepting new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

One of the concerns your dentist in Ann Arbor is asked about a lot is whether or not patients should be worried about the safety of dental x-rays. After all, x-rays do expose patients to low levels of radiation, which can sound scary. But don’t worry, we’re here to ease those concerns. 

The Safety of Dental X-Rays

The amount of radiation used in dental x-rays is very low, and therefore, so are the risks. Many dentists offer digital x-rays instead of film x-rays of the past. This is great news all around. Not only do digital x-rays reduce the amount of radiation exposure by 90%, but they also give your dentist immediate images that are often clearer and allow for faster and more accurate diagnosis. Additionally, your dentist may take extra precautions to lower the radiation exposure even more such as a lead apron.

Why Do We Need Dental X-Rays?

Dental x-rays allow your dentist to see what’s happening below the surface of what’s visible to the naked eye. X-ray images can show early signs of decay when cavities are teeny tiny and easier to treat. These pictures will also help your dentist look at the health of your jaw bone, monitor wisdom teeth development, and watch the eruption of kids’ teeth. Some other things that dental x-rays can show are: 

How Often Will I Need to Get Dental X-Rays? 

Your dentist in Ann Arbor may recommend dental x-rays once or twice a year, or sometimes every couple of years. The truth is, every patient is unique, and how often you need x-rays will depend on your specific health history, dental health, and risk factors. Remember, dentists will only take x-rays when necessary.

Different Kinds of Dental X-Rays

There are a few different kinds of dental x-rays that your dentist in Ann Arbor may take in order to see different parts of your mouth. Some of the most common types of dental x-rays include:

If you’re concerned about the safety of dental x-rays, we welcome you to schedule an appointment to chat with us. We’re always happy to help ease your worries and make sure you’re getting the best treatment that’s appropriate for you. 

Welcoming new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia

When someone is missing a tooth or two, they may find themselves shying away from smiling and even avoiding some of their favorite foods. But the good news is that dental implants from your dentist in Farmington Hills can be a game-changer. These surgical implants are permanent and don’t require any soaking or any additional care than your natural teeth. However, the treatment can be intimidating, so we’re here to explain just how a dental implant is placed so you can learn what to expect. 

Placing a Dental Implant

First thing first – there are multiple different types of dental implants, and which one may be right for you depends on your personal needs. The three most common types of dental implants are: 

All of these options are permanent solutions to missing teeth, and the procedure steps are relatively similar. 

Will There Be Pain? 

A dental implant is typically placed under general or local anesthesia, so during the process, you shouldn’t feel a thing. During the healing process, it’s completely normal to experience some mild discomfort. Any pain can be managed by properly following your dentist’s post-op instructions as well as: 

Most discomfort should go away within 10-14 days. If you still experience pain after 14 days, contact your dentist in Farmington Hills to make sure everything is healing correctly and there is no infection or other cause for concern. 

Dental implants can be a great solution to replace missing teeth, but they may not be right for everyone. Make sure to talk with your dentist in Farmington Hills about your options so they can make the best recommendation for you. 

Welcoming new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Noticing a piece of food stuck in your teeth can be embarrassing, but it can also be uncomfortable. Even though it’s normal for food to get wedged between teeth on occasion, it’s a whole other story when this happens time and time again in the same spot. These areas are known as food traps, and they can collect food each and every time you chew. It’s important to see your dentist in Livonia if you recognize this happening as it could be a sign of a bigger problem. 

How Are Food Traps Formed? 

Food traps can develop due to any number of issues, but a lot of food traps are caused by some other type of dental problem. The most common causes of food traps are: 

There should be small gaps, also called loose contact, between teeth. This allows them to sit and function properly. However, when gaps become too large, they create the ideal space for food to get lodged. Gaps can occur naturally and even people with once super-straight teeth can start to notice gaps over time. Additionally, dental fillings can change the natural contact between teeth and may cause a food trap. 

Our teeth naturally have crevices where food and bacteria can get stuck, but if there’s a broken or chipped tooth, you may notice food getting stuck in the same spot over and over again. You may also experience this if you lose a dental filling or older dental restoration. 

One of the more serious causes of food traps is gum disease. Gum disease will cause pockets to form in the gum tissue and provide a great hiding spot for food particles. But what’s worse is that untreated gum disease can lead to a bunch of other health concerns such as tooth loss and an increased risk of heart disease. Treatment can be successful when gum disease is caught in the early stages, but later forms of the disease are irreversible. This is one reason why you should get seen by your dentist in Livonia if you have a food trap. 

Problems Cause By Food Traps

Food traps that aren’t fixed can continue to cause long-term problems such as: 

While food traps can certainly be annoying, they can also be dangerous. It’s important to tell your dentist in Livonia if you’re experiencing repeated problems of food getting stuck in your teeth so they can take a closer look at what may be going on and recommend the best treatment for you. Additionally, it’s always important to brush and floss your teeth every day to remove any food particles that may have built up in the teeth throughout the day. 

If you’re looking for a dentist near you, all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia are always accepting new patients

Your denture may have once been one of the best things to happen to you. In fact, many people throughout history have benefited from dentures as they allow people to smile freely, chew confidently, and feel whole again. Dentures are a great solution for missing teeth and are often a comfortable option. However, over time, your denture may start to not fit like it used to. Don’t worry, this is normal and your dentist in Canton is here to help. 

3 Reasons Why Your Denture Doesn’t Fit

Dentures can last for many years with proper care. But they aren’t meant to be a permanent solution to missing teeth. There are things that can happen that can make a denture no longer fit like it once did. These can cause a denture to slip, making it hard to eat and speak. They can even cause some minor discomfort. So what’s happening? Why would a denture no longer fit correctly? 

Our natural teeth have both a root system and a crown. The crown is the white part of the teeth we see while the roots are secured into the jaw bone. Natural teeth constantly stimulate the jaw bone, reducing the risk of bone loss. However, a denture doesn’t have any roots to continue this stimulation. This can result in bone loss. When the jaw bone deteriorates, the shape of the jaw and the fit of the denture can change. 

Similar to the jaw bone, gum tissue can recede over time, making dentures feel uncomfortable. Additionally, if someone develops gum disease while using a denture, this can cause inflammation and swelling, making it difficult for a denture to fit the way it did initially. 

Life happens, and this can include damage to your denture or unexpected damage to your mouth. Things like mouth calluses can make a denture feel uncomfortable. Additionally, damage to a denture is more common than you think. A denture that’s at the end of its lifespan can become flexible or become more fragile and easier to break. Also, if a denture isn’t cared for properly, it can change in shape thanks to deposits.     

How to Fix an Ill-Fitting Denture

Luckily, you have a few options to fix a denture that no longer serves you. But first, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist in Canton. Your dental team will perform an examination to determine the best course of action to get you a denture that feels comfortable again. One of the solutions may be a reline. This is when your dentist will either work on your denture while you’re in the chair or use new impressions to have a lab create a new denture for you. Either way, you’ll be well on your way to smiling confidently. 

Denture Alternatives

If you no longer want to deal with dentures, you have other options such as dental implants. Dental implants permanently replace both the crown of the tooth and the tooth roots. This can make it easier to care for your teeth and reduce the risk of bone loss. If you’re interested, talk with your dentist in Canton about dental implants. 

We believe that everyone has the right to smile and eat confidently, whether that’s with their natural teeth, a denture, or dental implants. So if you’re dealing with an uncomfortable denture, make sure you talk with your dentist about your options. 

Accepting new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

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