A common rule in the dental world is that all patients should see the dentist at least every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. However, according to researchers at the CDC, nearly 40% of American adults haven’t been to the dentist in the past year. The truth is, preventive dental appointments can keep problems from popping up unexpectedly and reduce the need for quick, emergency dental care. But if you do experience a dental problem, how do you know if you need to see a dentist or not? 

Things That Require A Dental Appointment

The environment in the mouth is ever-changing, and there are times when these changes can spark concern and have you wondering if you should schedule a dental appointment. Let’s take a look at some of the most common symptoms that should warrant a visit to your Canton dentist

Temporary bouts of bad breath are bound to happen, especially if you eat something particularly fragrant such as garlic or onions. However, if bad breath lingers and doesn’t go away even after you brush your teeth, it may be a sign of something serious. Bad breath could mean gum disease, dry mouth, or even kidney problems. 

Mouth sores including ulcers can be annoying and sometimes embarrassing. Many times they are harmless and should go away on their own. However, if they don’t heal within two weeks or get worse, it’s time to see your dentist. Mouth sores that don’t heal may be a sign of oral cancer or other problems.  

Tooth sensitivity can trigger shooting pains through your teeth, which is pretty uncomfortable. If you have sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks, especially if it’s new for you, you should see your dentist in Canton. This can be a sign of decay, weakened tooth enamel, or a chipped or cracked tooth. 

Gums shouldn’t bleed when you brush or floss your teeth. They also shouldn’t be inflamed or swollen. However, those with gum disease may experience red, painful, swollen gums. It’s important to have this checked out by your dentist as gum disease can lead to other problems throughout the body such as an increased risk of heart disease. 

Pain anywhere in or around the mouth may require a visit to the dental office. From a toothache that can make it difficult to chew to a painful jaw that hurts to open and close, pain around the mouth shouldn’t be taken lightly and is usually a sign telling you that something isn’t quite right. See your dentist quickly. 

If you notice any of the signs above, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Canton as soon as possible to get relief. 

We’re always welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Spring is always an exciting season, especially if winter seemed to go on forever. The days become longer, the weather becomes warmer, families start to play outside, and the world becomes a little more colorful thanks to flowers and trees in bloom. Spring is also a time when many families embark on annual spring cleaning in and around the house. After all, there’s just something relaxing about cleaning out unused clothes, expired food from the fridge, and opening up clean windows to let the breeze in. But did you know that this special season is also a great time to get a “spring cleaning” for your teeth with your dentist in Farmington Hills

Why Are Dental Cleanings Important?

A common piece of advice from dentists everywhere is that all patients should visit at least twice a year for checkups and dental cleanings. But why twice a year? Do you still need these cleanings if you brush and floss your teeth at home? Truthfully, yes, dental cleanings are necessary even if you take excellent care of your teeth. Checkups and cleanings with your dentist in Farmington Hills help:

Prevention Is The Best Medicine

Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing in between each and every tooth once a day is the best way to take care of your teeth in between dental checkups. However, these habits alone aren’t enough to fully protect your teeth from cavities and other problems. You need to also see your dentist in Farmington Hills at least twice a year so we can prevent any problems from occurring or stop small problems from becoming big problems. 

If it’s been longer than six months since your last dental checkup and cleaning, we welcome you to call our office to schedule an appointment today. We’re always accepting new patients and would love to see you!  

We’re always accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia

By now, we’ve all heard of the term “COVID long-hauler,” which is used to describe patients who have recovered from COVID-19 but still experience some long-term side effects. However, did you know that your dentist in Livonia is also seeing a slew of oral health complications in both adults and children who have contracted and recovered from COVID-19?

Taste & Smell

Perhaps the most well-known symptom of a COVID-19 infection is the loss of taste or smell. While this doesn’t happen to everyone, it is a fairly common side effect. There is still some debate about why this happens. One of the potential explanations is that since COVID is a respiratory virus, and the respiratory system includes the nose and the mouth, the cells included in these areas can be infected and cause inflammation. In turn, this inflammation can change a person’s ability to smell and taste. More research is needed to conclusively determine the cause, but this is a current working theory. 


Medical researchers who continue to study COVID-19 suggest that the infection damages blood vessels in the body, including in the mouth. According to The Angiogenesis Foundation, when blood vessels are damaged, it prevents oxygen from being delivered throughout the body and can basically starve the tissue. If this happens in the gums, the result can be ulcers. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Dental Research found that over 80% of patients that were hospitalized with COVID-19 noticed lesions or ulcers in their mouths. While most ulcers should go away and heal on their own as you get better, if an ulcer lasts longer than two weeks (and you’re feeling better and testing negative), you should see your dentist in Livonia.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is one of those things that doesn’t just affect COVID-19 patients. In fact, dry mouth can be caused by numerous things such as medication, smoking, dehydration, and some diseases. However, COVID-19 patients and “long-haulers” tend to experience new or worsening dry mouths. The virus that causes COVID-19 can affect the salivary glands and reduce their ability to produce enough saliva. Without saliva, we’re left with the feeling of a dry, desert-like mouth as well as an increased risk for developing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Your dentist in Livonia can often help relieve the symptoms of dry mouth, so make sure to mention this at your next appointment. 

Gum Inflammation

We previously mentioned how infection can cause inflammation in the blood vessels but inflammation can also occur in other areas throughout the body. Brought on by a surge of white-blood-cell-rich blood to the infected areas, inflammation in the mouth, particularly the gums, can result in red, painful, swollen, and oftentimes bleeding gums. These symptoms may resolve on their own, but you should monitor recovery at home and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Livonia if you notice changes or if it’s not getting better. Red, swollen gums that tend to bleed can also be a sign of gum disease, which can be serious. So it’s better to get checked out sooner rather than later. 

The prevalence of COVID-19 continues to be challenging. During these times, and all times, we encourage our patients to do everything they can to keep themselves and their teeth healthy, including brushing and flossing daily and maintaining routine dental checkups. 

We’re always accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Buying a toothbrush can be a confusing process. Just consider how many rows and rows of brightly colored toothbrushes are at your local supermarket, each one claiming to give you the best clean or other promises of great oral health. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, choosing a toothbrush can quickly become overwhelming. However, before you simply pick up the first one you see, take some time to read this guide from your dentist in Canton on how to choose the right toothbrush for you.

The 3 S’s

Choosing the right toothbrush can be as easy as considering the three S’s – size, shape, and softness. However, this is just the first step. There are other things to consider when buying your next toothbrush, and your dentist in Canton is always here to help. 


Both the size of the toothbrush handle and the toothbrush head are important factors to consider. The handle should be sturdy and comfortable enough to hold for a two-minute brushing cycle and manipulate to cover all areas of your mouth. The toothbrush head should be an appropriate size to comfortably fit in your mouth. You should be able to reach your molars without discomfort. A brush head that’s too large can actually keep you from getting a thorough clean. 


Bristles come in two different shapes – straight and rounded. Straight bristles are usually not recommended as they can cause gum damage and even enamel damage. Instead, most dentists recommend choosing rounded bristles. Round bristles are more gentle than straight bristles and still provide an excellent clean.  


The last S to consider is how soft the bristles are. Toothbrush packaging will usually depict the density of the bristles by listing them as soft, medium, or hard. While it may make sense that the harder the bristles the better the clean will be, the opposite is true. Your dentist in Canton will most likely recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush for most patients. The medium and hard bristles are more likely to harm gums or tooth enamel. 

Manual or Electric? 

There’s some debate about whether a manual toothbrush is better than an electric toothbrush, and truth is, it depends on a variety of factors. For example, if you travel a lot, a manual toothbrush may be better for you since it’s convenient. However, if you have trouble brushing your teeth with a manual toothbrush, an electric option may be more appropriate to make sure you’re brushing properly. Always consider your budget and lifestyle before choosing a manual or electric toothbrush. 

The most important thing to remember when choosing a toothbrush is to make sure you select one that you will use regularly. You should brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, and it’s important that your toothbrush is able to reach all areas of your mouth comfortably. Of course, your dentist in Canton will be able to help you pick out the best toothbrush for you. Just ask! 

We’re always accepting new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

You do everything you can to keep your family healthy. You make sure they eat well-balanced meals, get plenty of exercise, brush and floss their teeth regularly, and see their dentist in Canton at least twice a year. Yet, did you know that something considered healthy may be hurting your family’s teeth? 

Fabulous Fruits

The USDA recommends that adults get two servings of fruit a day, the American Heart Association recommends four to five servings, and the CDC recommends 1-2 cups a day for kids, making fruit a pretty essential part of everyone’s diet. Fruits are packed with vitamins and can be an excellent snack. However, not all fruits are optimal in the same way, especially when it comes to oral health. 

Sugars & Acids

Fruits are often considered a healthy treat. After all, they do contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants. But when it comes to teeth, some fruits are better than others mainly because of the sugar or acid content. Sugars and acids can wreak havoc on tooth enamel and weaken it. Once the enamel erodes it can lead to several oral concerns, including an increased risk of decay. Keep an eye for the following signs of enamel erosion: 

If you notice any symptoms of enamel erosion, contact your dentist in Canton

What Fruit Can Help Teeth? 

Now, we aren’t suggesting that you forego fruits. They are a necessary part of any healthy diet and their whole-health benefits are well worth it. However, when it comes to making choices that can be both good for your body and for your teeth, consider options that contain a lot of water such as: 

Be Wary of These Fruits

Other types of fruit aren’t as good for teeth as others but may still provide necessary nutrients, so it’s important to find balance in what you eat. Some fruits that may be tougher on your teeth include: 

Moderation is Key

As we’ve mentioned before, eating fruit is still an important part of making sure that your body gets all of the nutrients it needs. But your dentist in Canton would suggest enjoying fruits high in sugar or highly acidic in moderation, and even rinsing your mouth out with water when you’re done eating. Another important note that relates to juice, sipping fruit juice can expose your teeth to even more sugars and acids than whole, raw fruits. Whenever possible, choose natural fruits over juice. 

Accepting new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

A key part of maintaining a healthy mouth is making sure you brush twice a day and see your dentist in Ann Arbor every six months. But it’s also crucial to floss every day. In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can do. When it comes to which type of floss you should use, whether it’s traditional string floss or a water flosser, there can be some confusion as to whether one is actually better than the other. The truth is, it can depend on your individual needs.

String Floss

Traditional string floss is economical and easy for most people to use. Dental hygienists explain that properly flossing with string floss requires the following steps: 

  1. Use about 18 inches of floss each time
  2. Wind the floss around your thumbs and index fingers until there are about 2 inches of tight floss in between
  3. Gently glide the floss between each tooth, making sure to hit under the gums
  4. Slide the floss out of each tooth, don’t snap it
  5. Twist the floss to get a clean section each time you move to a new tooth

Now, some dental professionals say that this flossing method is most effective at removing debris between the teeth and below the gum line. However, some people may find the instructions for string floss too complicated and may not be able to finesse the dexterity needed to properly clean their teeth. Those individuals may find a water flosser useful. 

Water Flossers

Water flossers are an effective alternative to string floss, and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association recommends them as more effective than traditional floss. But there are some downsides. Water flossers are more expensive than string floss, can take some practice to get used to, and can take up space on your bathroom counter. However, a water flosser may be the right choice for people with arthritis, braces, or who have trouble maneuvering string floss. Additionally, water flossers may benefit anyone who has gum recession or sensitive teeth. 

The Best Floss

No matter which type of floss you use, it’s important to do just that – use it! Flossing helps clean the parts of your teeth a toothbrush can’t reach. Your dentist in Ann Arbor recommends that everyone floss once a day, every day for optimal oral health. 

If you have questions about which floss is right for you, talk with a dentist in Ann Arbor.

Welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.  

As your trusted Farmington Hills dentist, we never want you to be in pain or dental discomfort, especially when it comes to cavities. They are by far the most common problem we see at our office and generally rely on natural-looking fillings to help get your teeth healthy again. However, as all patients are different, some people are more prone to pain or sensitivity following having a filling. 

Common Reasons for Filling Pain

There are some reasons why a patient might have some discomfort after a dental treatment that can include: 

Even if none of these apply to you and your oral health, there’s a chance you might still feel a little pain after your filling is complete, and that is totally normal. If you’re at all concerned about how you’re feeling, you can always reach out to your Farmington Hills dentist for some assistance. 

Fillings and Feeling the Pressure

There’s a pretty simple reason why you might have pain after you get a tooth filled due to a cavity, and its pressure. After your filling is permanently in place, the piece of your tooth that was damaged by bacteria is now filled in, adding new pressure to the area. This can change how air and saliva move across your tooth, causing sensitivity.

Taking on Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, especially following dental work, can be annoying. Here are some things you can try at home to help relieve your sensitivity:

You’ll also want to avoid whitening toothpaste and other similar products because they can make your sensitive teeth even worse. 

The right thing to do if you’re experiencing any pain, discomfort, or sensitivity is to schedule a visit right away at our Farmington Hills dental office as soon as possible. We can help you feel better and determine what’s causing your issues so we can get to the root of your problems or pain. 

Welcoming new patients at our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

Have you or someone in your family ever had a tonsil stone? Are you curious to know what a tonsil stone even is? Let your dentist in Canton tell you a little bit about tonsil stones, what they are, why they form, and how you can help yourself should they happen to appear in your mouth.

Do I Have Tonsil Stones?

If you look in the back of your throat where your tonsils are and see tiny white bumps or clusters, those are generally tonsil stones. They love to form deep in the pockets in your throat tissue because they come from bacteria and other debris, which can harden over time, creating the white bumps you see in the back of your throat that can be uncomfortable. Tonsil stones are likely to occur due to common bacterial and viral infections like strep throat and the influenza virus. 

Are There Ways to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones are best treated by your Canton dentist and possibly your primary care physician if you have a bacterial or viral infection. If you’re someone who constantly gets sore throats, painful inflammation, and tonsil stones, it might be time to talk about a tonsillectomy or removal of your tonsils altogether.

If you or someone in your family gets a tonsil stone, there are some things you can do to alleviate any discomfort and maybe even keep them from returning altogether! A short-term solution could be antibiotics, as they’re effective at lowering bacterial counts that play an essential role in developing tonsil stones. But taking antibiotics long-term is not good for you and your body. Give these tips a try:

Are tonsil stones making your life miserable? Is your child struggling with constant sore throats? You can schedule an appointment at our dental office in Canton to talk with us. We can create a plan to help you get rid of annoying tonsil stones for good. We look forward to hearing from you! Call today. 

Welcoming patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

Your dentist in Ann Arbor is so excited to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. It seems like this year flew by, and it’s hard to believe we’re at the end of it already. As you venture out to celebrate and commemorate this time of year with friends, family, and co-workers, there are some ways you can protect yourself and your teeth from too much sugar. Let us help!

More Sleep. Less Sugar.

Who would have thought that all you have to do to cut back on sugar is to sleep more? It almost sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the research can’t be wrong, and it says that when you sleep less than five hours each night, you might gravitate towards sugar drinks for an energy boost. If you’re feeling sluggish, try swigging water instead, it will help you feel better without a sugar crash later and help protect your pearly whites. 

Provide Sugarless or Reduced Sugar Options

Are you entertaining this year? Think about yourself and your guests in terms of sweetness overload. If you’re putting out a candy dish or two, try sugar-free options and those that contain Xylitol. If you’re in charge of cooking or baking, consider cutting back on the sugar or using a healthier alternative. Your smile, your body, and your guests will thank you!

Remember Your Best Decay Defense

Your Ann Arbor dentist will be the first to tell you that good ol’ brushing and flossing are the best ways to get rid of possible sugar build-up on your teeth that can lead to cavities. Remember to floss once and brush twice a day for two minutes — that’s all it takes to keep teeth clean and healthy. It’s essential to brush and floss after indulging in decadent desserts. 

If you really want to keep your smile healthy and help your family, consider giving people the gift of a healthy smile this holiday season with some new, cool dental tools like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. It’s surely a gift that will get used, whether they want to admit it or not! If you need an exam or have questions about your oral health, please schedule a consultation today at our dental office in Ann Arbor! We are here to help you. 

Accepting new patients at all of our dental offices in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia. 

We’re all too familiar with the unique feeling of tooth sensitivity, and experiencing these quick zings of pain can be enough to make you flinch. While this can be concerning, it’s important to know that tooth sensitivity is incredibly common. Luckily, your dentist in Farmington Hills can help relieve tooth sensitivity and get you back to eating, drinking, and smiling without discomfort in no time. 

Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity

We’ve already covered the primary symptom of tooth sensitivity — those quick, uncomfortable bursts of pain. It’s completely normal to feel this after eating something hot or cold. But when tooth sensitivity happens at these other times, it’s probably wise to see your dentist. 

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Many people who experience sensitive teeth will most likely have decreased amounts of enamel protection. Enamel is the layer of the tooth that protects the inner workings of tooth anatomy, including the roots and nerves. However, many things can cause enamel erosion and allow those nerves to become exposed. The result is the feeling of tooth sensitivity. Some of the main causes of enamel erosion include: 

Now, even though enamel erosion is a common problem and a common reason behind tooth sensitivity, there are some other potential causes that you should be aware of. 

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, it’s always best to see your dentist in Farmington Hills to find out what’s causing the pain in the first place. If you wait, pain can increase, and the problem can get worse. 

Treating Sensitive Teeth

When it comes to treating sensitive teeth, your dentist needs to know what’s causing it first. Then your treatment plan will be catered to your specific needs. 

If your sensitivity is caused by a broken filling or older dental restoration, your dentist will most likely want to replace it. This may require a new filling, a crown, inlay, or onlay. 

Nobody wants to hear that they may need a root canal, but this treatment has an unwarranted bad reputation. If your dentist in Farmington Hills recommends a root canal, you can relax knowing that this treatment will relieve your pain, not cause it. 

Sensitivity that’s caused by worn down enamel or gum recession may be treated with fluoride at your dental appointments or your dentist may recommend a specific toothpaste or rinse. Most of the time, you should be using a soft toothbrush, but especially if you have sensitive teeth. 

While tooth sensitivity is incredibly common, it’s also incredibly important to mention it to your dentist. Many times treatment is easy and may only require a minor change in your oral hygiene routine. But even if you do need dental treatment, rest assured that this will get you relief. 

Laurich Dentistry has four dental offices to best serve you, including in Ann Arbor, Canton, Farmington Hills, and Livonia.

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